25 Days Until the Election: Accountability

Sadie for SMCISDThat’s my girl, Sadie. She is in 4th grade at Crockett. When I decided to run for the board, Sadie and I made a deal. She told me, “Mommy, if you are brave and run for the school board, then next year, I’ll be brave and run for 5th grade school council.” It was yet another humbling reminder that children learn what they live.

I have never run for public office before, but I am running in this election because I believe our district has a fiduciary responsibility to the community to ensure that all of our students are truly college or career ready.

I am running because I believe the school board must lead the district by example.

I am running because I believe it is important to engage more people in the decision-making processes that directly affect our families and community.

I am running because I believe in the promise of public education.

I am running because, as my mother would say, there comes a time when “you’ve got to put your money where your mouth is.”

I am running because our children can no longer afford business as usual.

High-quality public education is key to economic opportunity and prosperity. I want to see the school board held accountable for addressing equity issues across the district. We need to assess our current facilities and develop a long-term, cost-effective plan to keep class sizes to appropriate limits and prevent overcrowding in our schools. As the pubic school district in the fastest growing city in the country, San Marcos CISD must think strategically and develop a common sense vision for future growth and sustainability that draws on the wealth of resources in our area—including Texas State, an emerging research institution, as well as the many innovative small businesses in our community—in order to prepare all of our children for success in the global economy.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been to Travis, Mendez, Crockett, De Zavala, Bowie, Miller, Goodnight, and SMHS. I’ve also toured the Phoenix campus and the new athletic complex. I will be finishing my tour of the district campuses this week with visits to Bonham, Hernandez, and the SMCISD School Age Parenting Program.

If elected to the board, you can be assured that I will hold myself accountable to the taxpayers and teachers, as well as the students of our district. I have only to look into the eyes of my three children to know exactly how important this work is.
