24 Days Until the Election: Teachers


I’m a public school kid, my husband was a public school kid, and our kids are public school kids. I’m also the daughter and sister of public school educators. The public school teachers who have influenced my life are too numerous to mention.

I’m working very hard to earn your vote, inspired by the tireless efforts of the teachers on behalf of our kids. I am, therefore, especially proud and humbled to announce that my campaign for the SMCISD Board of Trustees has received the endorsement of the San Marcos Educators Association/TSTA.

San Marcos Educators - TSTAThank you, teachers, for your dedication and commitment to the children of our district. Thank you for your trust and belief in me and my fellow candidates, Juan Miguel Arredondo and Toby Hooper. Public education is a community partnership and I am so very grateful for your support.

Yesterday, I toured our Pre-K campus, met with the Hays County Bar Association, traveled through the gorgeous Texas countryside to put up yard signs, kept the score book at my youngest son’s t-ball game, and then spoke with a group of SMHS parents. I left the house at 7:30 AM and didn’t get home until 11:30 PM. Lately, most of my days follow a similar schedule.

Someone on Facebook commented to me recently that I seem to be taking this school board election “very seriously.” I said, “You bet I take it seriously.” I take this election and the responsibilities of the school board seriously because I know that the board’s work helps shape the opportunities available for all our children and our entire town.

You bet I take this election seriously, and I am grateful for the many teachers, parents, taxpayers, small business owners, and retirees who are joining with me and taking it seriously, too.
